National Institute of Health (NIH) confirmed that first Mpox case of the year 2025 has been reported from Bacha Khan International Airport (BIAP) in Peshawar. As per report released by National Institute of Health, a suspicious person was intercepted by personnel of border health services during the screening process. The spokesman later confirmed that suspicious person was tested positive for Mpox. Now the Mpox patients tally touched to 10. The suspicious person was arrived from a Middle East country. NIH Coordinator for Health Dr. Mukhtar Bharath said that NIH taking effective measures to curb spreading of Mpox in the country. He further said that an effective system for screening of passengers already installed on all airports, while authorities ensured full implementation on recommendations of International health regulations. Dr. Mukhtar said that federal and provincial governments already vowed to completely eradicate Mpox from our society.