Pakistan should maximize the capitalization of export potential of Saudi Arabia particularly in agriculture, textile, construction and IT sectors after the recent reforms in the Kingdom, said Ahmad Farooq, Ambassador of Pakistan to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Addressing the business community in Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FCCI), he said that KSA has opened its economy with revolutionary reforms to attract foreign businesses and now Pakistani investors could register their companies with or without any Saudi sponsor. He said that more than 90 Pakistani IT companies are already working in Saudi Arabia. Similarly, there are huge chances for the Pakistani business community to contribute their productive role in agriculture, textile, construction and other sectors. He urged the FCCI members to explore Saudi markets to harvest maximum benefits from its emerging potential. He said that various international exhibitions including Asia Cup Football, Water Games, Expos and World Cup Football are scheduled to be held in Saudi Arabia and Pakistanis must participate in these events to establish direct contacts with their Saudi Arabian counterparts. He assured that he could help Pakistani businessmen to contact the serious Saudi businessmen so that Pakistani exporters particularly textilers could exploit its import potential. Earlier, President FCCI Rehan Naseem Bharara pinpointed the huge difference in import and export of the two countries and said, “We must bridge this gap by enhancing Pakistani exports and convincing Saudi investors to set up industrial units in Pakistan.” He said that Faisalabad has the largest conglomerate of industrial estates including Value Addition City, M4 and Allama Iqbal Industrial Estate where Saudi investors could set up their own industrial units or launch joint ventures. He also urged the government to provide an enabling environment for industrialization. He said that Saudi Arabia has emerged as one of the biggest import markets in the middle East but our exports are still unaware of its import potential. He was optimistic that Ahmad Farooq would guide and facilitate local exporters to enhance their exports to KSA not only in textile but also in other diverse sectors. Mian Muhammad Latif, Naveed Gulzar, Dr Habib Aslam Gaba, Mian Imtiaz, Rana Fayyaz Ahmad, Bilal Jamil, Muhammad Tariq, Bao Akram, Mian Tayyab, Ameer Ahmad and Muhammad Nauman participated in the question-answer session. Senior Vice President FCCI Qaisar Shams Gucha offered vote of thanks while President Rehan Naseem Bharara presented FCCI shield to Ahmad Farooq. Later, the Pakistani Ambassador in KSA also recorded his impressions in the FCCI’s Visitor Book.