As Pakistan prepared for a transition to cooler months, Chief Meteorologist Sardar Sarfraz Friday declared the ongoing monsoon rains as the final spell, predicted to conclude by Saturday, marking the beginning of a two-month dry and normal weather phase. Talking to a Private news channel, Meteorologist clarified that the subsequent two-month dry period would be characterized by gradually decreasing temperatures, particularly during nighttime, adding, daytime temperatures would remain relatively warm, but without the humidity associated with the monsoon season. “Temperature fluctuations between day and night will become more pronounced,” Sarfraz cautioned. “Citizens especially vulnerable populations should take necessary precautions to adapt to the changing weather conditions,” he added. Sardar Sarfraz said, “Karachi is in for an unusually warm October. The post-monsoon temperature surge is expected to be more pronounced this year, with temperatures soaring to 38?C (100?F) during the day and dipping to only 25?C (77?F) at night.”