Pakistan’s A-list actor Hania Aamir is the latest to fall victim to the menace of deepfake technology with her morphed videos. Taking to her Instagram stories on Wednesday, Hania Aamir warned her fans regarding the inappropriate deepfake videos of her, doing rounds on social media. With a screengrab of an article by a local publication, reading “Hania Aamir’s indecent video goes viral,” she penned, “This AI stuff is very scary.” “Can there be some laws in place?” questioned the ‘Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum’ star and clarified, “These are NOT my videos if anyone is convinced they are.” The celebrity later dug out the culprit behind the morphed videos, allegedly an India-based netizen, with the username, ‘Anureet Sandhu’. She requested her followers to report the account. Meanwhile, on the work front, Hania Aamir is currently ruling the TV screens as everyone’s favourite Sharjeena in ‘Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum’, the superhit serial marking the much-awaited small-screen acting comeback of Pakistani superstar Fahad Mustafa. The ensemble star cast of the play also features Emmad Irfani, Naeema Butt, Javed Sheikh, Bushra Ansari, Tauseeq Haider, Maya Khan and Yousuf Bashir Qureshi among others. The Badar Mehmood directorial, penned by seasoned playwright Farhat Ishtiaq, airs every Monday and Tuesday in prime time, only on ARY Digital.