After missing out on hosting Bigg Boss OTT 3, Bollywood star Salman Khan is reportedly gearing up to return as the host for season 18. Indian media outlet Bollywoodlife, while quoting a source, said that Salman Khan will host the upcoming Bigg Boss 18 while the promo shoot for the reality show is scheduled to start soon. Meanwhile, fans began speculating about the celebrities who would enter the iconic house to participate in the popular reality show. It is pertinent to mention that Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor replaced Salman Khan as the host of Bigg Boss OTT 3 after reports said that the “Wanted” actor opted out of the show due to date issues. However, Kapoor as Bigg Boss host did not sit well with the fans of the show who dubbed him the ‘worst ever host’ of Bigg Boss. Several others requested the producers of the show not to take Anil Kapoor as host again. “Hope this is the last we saw Anil Kapoor as a host in weekend ka vaar. Fake laugh, fake anger, total fake personality as a host”, a Redditor wrote in a post. The post garnered the attention of other users who came forward to express their support for the user’s views. Meanwhile, Salman Khan will be starring in the upcoming film “Sikandar.” The project marks the reunion of the Bollywood star and producer Sajid Nadiadwala, following their collaboration for previous hits such as “Kick,” “Judwaa” and “Mujhse Shaadi Karogi.” Directed by AR Murugadoss, the film is set to hit theatres next Eid.