Tauqeer Nasir has revealed that he had rejected ace actor Saba Qamar for his project after he found her lacking commitment. Recently, Tauqeer Nasir appeared on a TV show and revealed that he rejected ace actress Saba Qamar during an audition for a production. Talking about Saba, Tauqeer Nasir said, “Saba Qamar is a brilliant actor. She did an amazing job in the drama serial Thakkan. I appreciate her a lot and I’ll tell you why. I want to share that I once took an audition of Saba and didn’t select her. I did not select her because I didn’t find her committed. She delivered her dialogues in a hurry and seemed rushed. She even admitted that she was in a rush. I was selecting new actors for drama serial and wanted to choose individuals for long term, as I planned to induct them into my academy.” Tauqeer Nasir is a popular TV star. His famous dramas include Yaad Piya Ki Aye, Thakan, Baal o Par, Kashkol, Sona Chandi, Landa Bazaar, Rahain, Reza Reza, Panah, Aik Haqeeqat Aik Afsansa, Samandar and Dehleez.