A shooting incident was reported outside Punjabi singer and rapper AP Dhillon’s residence in Canada weeks after releasing a music video with Bollywood star Salman Khan. Indian media outlets, while quoting sources, reported that shots were fired outside the singer’s home in Canada’s Vancouver. However, the local authorities in Canada have yet to release an official statement about the gunfire. Meanwhile, several reports said that the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, which reportedly fired shots at Salman Khan’s residence last year and Rohit Godara gang claimed responsibility for the shootings. It is worth mentioning that AP Dhillion recently released a music video “Old Money”, featuring Bollywood star Salman Khan. Additionally, an alleged threat message made rounds on social media claiming that on the night of September 1, the gang carried out shootings at Victoria Island and Woodbridge, Toronto. Earlier, the Lawrence Bishnoi gang and Rohit Godara gang issued a threat to AP Dhillon over his reported relationships with Bollywood actor Salman Khan. The gangs warned the singer to “stay within his limits, or he will meet a “dog’s death.” According to Indian media reports, the authorities in Canada have initiated an investigation to determine the authenticity of the post. On April 14, gunshots were fired outside actor Salman Khan’s Mumbai residence in Bandra. Later, gangster Lawrence Bishnoi’s brother Anmol claimed responsibility for the shooting. Reports said that two bike-borne assailants, associated with the notorious Bishnoi gang, opened fire outside Salman Khan’s home in Galaxy apartment of Bandra during the wee hours. Last year, Lawrence Bishnoi claimed responsibility for a shooting at singer Gippy Grewal’s residence in Vancouver, Canada. The alleged incident occurred in the White Rock neighbourhood.