Bollywood fans’ hopes for ‘Dangal 2’ are refuelled as Aamir Khan called up Indian wrestler Vinesh Phogat and talked to her on a video call. Bollywood A-lister Aamir Khan recently video called Vinesh Phogat, the first-ever Indian female wrestler to enter the finals of the Paris Olympics, before she was disqualified on the morning of the final bout, to congratulate the athlete for the ‘stupendous fight’ in the games. The pictures of the two, being all smiles as they talked to each other, surfaced on social media, giving rise to the speculations that Khan is all set to make the sequel of ‘Dangal’, the 2016 blockbuster, based on Vinesh’s cousins, Geeta and Babita Phogat. Reacting to the viral visuals, a social user commented, “Dangal 2 is on its way!” while another repeated, “There’s going to be a movie made” “Aamir Khan will make a film and will mint money! Wait and see,” claimed one more. Notably, Nitesh Tiwari’s sports biopic of the Phogat Sisters’ father and coach Mahavir Singh, led by Aamir Khan, opened to worldwide critical acclaim, particularly for the ‘honest’ depiction of a real-life story and the latter’s performance in the film. The title emerged as a commercial success and bagged several prestigious awards. Meanwhile, wrestler Vinesh Phogat, 29, of India, announced her retirement from the sport last month, a day after she was disqualified from the finals of women’s 50kg competition at the Paris Olympics, for being overweight by 100 grammes. The bronze medallist has won three gold medals at the Commonwealth Games.