Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz has said she will fulfill the dream of low-income people to have their own house across the province. She was talking to Dr. Amjad Saqib, the founder and chairman of Akhut, here on Sunday. Dr. Amjad thanked the CM for her initiative of public relief in electricity bills and carrying out other important public welfare projects. The Punjab chief minister said the low-cost housing programme had been started in Punjab, and every year the scope of the project would be expanded. ‘Apni Chhat, Apna Ghar’ [Own roof, own house] is the biggest programme in the history of Pakistan, she added. It would be a cheap residential project, she told Dr. Amjad. The chief minister said the main goal of the project was to provide housing to the financially weak classes. The government would give subsidies and set the easiest monthly installments, under the sustainable project, she promised. The CM said that with the implementation of the revolutionary housing project, millions of people would get a job and millions of families would be able to live a better life. She said under the ‘Apni Chhat, Apna Ghar’ programme, three plans were being launched; the owners of 10-marla plots in villages and 5-marla plots in cities could borrow Rs 15 lakh, under the scheme with approx. Rs 14,000 in monthly installments, without any interest. The CM said that in big cities, the government would construct four-storey flats that would be provided to people through easy installments through draw. Likewise, ten-to-five marla houses would be built in the housing schemes. Maryam Nawaz also said that in the private housing project, the government would give a single subsidy of Rs 10 lakh for each house. Dr. Amjad Saqib said that Maryam Nawaz’s passion for solving common people’s problems was admirable. Separately, Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has paid glowing tribute to Kashmiri leader Syed Ali Geelani on his death anniversary. In her message, she said, “Syed Ali Geelani will forever be remembered as a symbol of enduring freedom movement. His audacious leadership in the Kashmir liberation struggle made him a figure of great concern for oppressive forces. History will forever commemorate Syed Ali Geelani’s unparalleled dedication to the Kashmir cause.”