Bollywood Salman Khan attended an event in Mumbai despite suffering from rib injury. The videos of the actor are going viral on social media. A new clip has surfaced online, leaving fans concerned and worried. In the viral video, Salman Khan can be seen struggling to get up from his seat. At the same event, another video of Salman Khan grooving to Jalwa is going viral. In the clip, Salman is seen taking the stage by storm with his killer moves. In the clip, Salman is seen shaking a leg on Jalwa, with fans hooting and cheering for him. However, soon after the videos surfaced online, fans rushed to the comments section to express concern for the actor and wished him a speedy recovery. “Our childhood favourites are ageing…so are we! A reminder that nothing remains forever,” one of the fans wrote. “Come on yaar, he is 58. Still, if he manages to look this, kudos to him,” added another. A third fan also expressed concern and wrote, “Get well soon @BeingSalmanKhan bhai?.” On the work front, Salman Khan will be starring in the upcoming film Sikandar. This project marks the reunion of Salman and producer Sajid Nadiadwala, following their previous hits like Kick, Judwaa and Mujhse Shaadi Karogi. Directed by AR Murugadoss, the film is set to release next Eid.