Bollywood’s Mr Perfectionist Aamir Khan breaks his silence on plans to get married for the third time. During a candid interview on a new episode of Bollywood actor Rhea Chakraborty’s chat show ‘Chapter 2’, superstar Aamir Khan spilt the beans on his plans for a third marriage. When asked if he plans to get married again, after parting ways with his second wife Kiran Rao, Khan replied, “I am 59 now, where will I get married again, mushkil lag raha hai (looks difficult).” The ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’ actor continued, “I have so many relationships in my life right now, I have reconnected with my family, my kids, etc. I am very happy just being with people who are close to me. I am working towards being a better person.” However, Khan confessed that he doesn’t enjoy living alone and desires a partner for companionship. For the unversed, Khan was first married to Reena Dutta, from 1986 to 2002. The couple shares two children, a son Junaid and a daughter named Ira. He then married Rao in 2005 and the couple became parents to a baby boy, Azad, through a surrogate mother in 2011. They announced their separation in June 2021, after 15 years of marriage. Meanwhile, on the work front, Aamir Khan will be next seen in ‘Sitaare Zameen Par’, co-starring Genelia D’Souza.