Actress Ushna Shah recently shared insights about her early career and her friendship with fellow star Ahsan Khan. Known for her impactful performances and advocacy on social issues, Shah hails from a prominent showbiz family. Despite her family’s fame, Ushna admits she was unfamiliar with the Pakistani entertainment industry when she began her career. In a recent episode of her show, Ushna Shah recalled a memorable interaction with Khan, who is both a colleague and a close friend. Shah revealed that when she first met Ahsan Khan, she candidly admitted, “I do not know you.” This led to a humorous exchange where Khan, surprised by her unfamiliarity, asked, “Did you live on the moon?” He later learned that Ushna, raised in Canada, was not well-versed in Pakistani cinema and had not even seen her own family’s work. Despite these initial hurdles, Shah has since established herself as a talented performer in the industry. Her friendship with Khan, forged through their collaborative work on dramas like Bandhay Ik Dor Se, remains a testament to her growth and success in the industry.