Heartthrob Pakistani actor Hamza Ali Abbasi and his gorgeous wife Naimal Khawar Abbasi have completed their five years of togetherness. The stunning couple is currently in the US for Hamza’s book ‘My Discovery of God Islam and Judgement Day’ which he has written and for now, it is available in the US only but soon will be available globally and in Pakistan. The couple are enjoying themselves with their friends in the US and has celebrated their 5th anniversary. Taking to their Instagram handles both shared beautiful pictures from their anniversary. Naimal donned a pretty white traditional outfit whereas Hamza looked handsome as always in a white shalwar kamiz. Sharing the shots Naimal captioned, “5 years today! Alhamdulillah.” Hamza Ali Abbasi and Naimal Khawar make one of the best-looking couples in the Pakistani entertainment industry. The duo surprised everyone when people found out about their engagement and fans were ecstatic for the two. Hamza and Naimal are both accomplished in their fields with Hamza being one of the biggest superstars in the country. They are parents to a son Mustafa and leading a happy married life.