Defence Minister Khawaja Asif says the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf has been planning for another incident similar to May 9 riots. He made these remarks while talking to the media on Sunday. He said the PTI had cancelled its Islamabad rally fearing the rejection by the masses due to the party’s fake narrative against the state institutions. Asif added that the audio leaks of Imran Khan, Bushra Bibi and Aleema Khan revealed the differences within the PTI. “They (PTI) say they were not involved in the May 9 protests but the video of the incident showed their faces which proved their involvement,” the minister said. He said Ali Amin Gandapur has even surpassed the former Punjab chief minister Usman Buzdar in terms of the failure of governance. Asif reiterated that those who are defaming the name of Pakistan by working on a foreign agenda will be dealt with iron hands to secure the sovereignty.