Indian actor and social media personality Uorfi Javed says Bollywood megastar Shah Rukh Khan is her benchmark and she would not give up on the hustle until she becomes successful like him. In a new interview with an Indian media outlet, Uorfi Javed shared that she would not retire until she has reached the level of stardom that Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan has, to rule the world. However, if the’Jawan’ star gives her half of his estate and wealth, she would not mind retiring earlier. “People discouraged me so much. Everyone has always discouraged me, everywhere. Everyone was against me. But, I still did what I did…,” she reflected, discussing her new show. “I am trying to build a world for myself where I am very very famous. I create my own opportunities. Even if it involves anything that is controversial, I don’t mind as long as I am not harming anyone.” The ‘Bigg Boss’ alum continued, “If you are backed with money and if you come from an affluent family, then it’s ok. Of course, it gets a bit difficult when you don’t have money. I’ve realised that not everyone can be as ambitious as me, which is also ok. Not everyone wants success, fame and money. Some people just want to exist.” “I don’t want to just exist. I want to rule,” she emphasized. Javed added, “Shah Rukh Khan is my benchmark. The day I feel like I am the Shah Rukh Khan of the world [I’ll hang up] As long as Shah Rukh is giving me half of his estate and wealth, then why not? I would love to retire.” Meanwhile, on the work front, Uorfi Javed’s ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians’ – inspired new series, titled ‘Follow Kar Lo Yaar’, is now streaming on the OTT platform Amazon Prime Video.