Bollywood heartthrob Sidharth Malhotra is reportedly in talks with makers to join Saif Ali Khan in the next instalment of the film series, ‘Race 4’. As reported exclusively by an Indian entertainment outlet, Sidharth Malhotra is in advance talks with film producer Ramesh Taurani of production banner Tips, to come on board for ‘Race 4’, which is expected to go on the floors next year. According to the details, the makers are currently working to finalize the script. Quoting a source close to the development, the publication reported, “While Ramesh Taurani has got a team of in-house writers to develop the basic plot of Race 4, he has outsourced it to some of the seasoned writers and directors to develop it into a screenplay.” “While the writing work is on, he has initiated conversations with Sidharth Malhotra to play the leading man of Race 4 alongside Saif Ali Khan,” disclosed the insider. “Sid is a big fan of Race Franchise and is interested in doing the film.” “Staying true to the world of this franchise, the Racefranchise is getting a reboot with a face-off between Saif and Sid. It’s a pure two-hero film, with both the characters having shades of grey,” the person teased further. Reportedly, both actors will sign the dotted lines later this year, after hearing the narration of the final script, whereas, filming is expected to begin in 2025. Notably, the first two parts of the series ‘Race’ and ‘Race 2,’ both directed by the filmmaking duo Abbas-Mustan, starred Saif Ali Khan, with Akshaye Khanna and John Abraham respectively. For the next instalment, ‘Race 3’, Bollywood choreographer turned director, Remo D’Souza came on board to helm the direction, whereas, Salman Khan and Bobby Deol starred in the title.