Pakistani showbiz industry senior actor Firdous Jamal has criticised the country’s stars Humayun Saeed and Mahira Khan saying the former has been doing monotonous roles and the latter too aged to be heroin. He said he was still sticking to his old remarks about both actors. When asked whether he would change his description of Mahira as an ageing heroin who does not fall into the category of heroin given her brilliant performance in the Legend of Maula Jutt, he said he would not change his expression of Mahira as an old lady. She really looks too old on screen to be doing any young heroin roles, he said. Also when the host asked him about Humayun Saeed, saying the ‘Mere Paas Tum Ho’ actor is now at the top of his acting career, he said he simply does not accept this thing. “Saeed is not Marlon Brando of acting he is just a lucky guy who is doing some tedious acting for a long time,” he said.