A special court (central) on Thursday ordered the blocking of the national identity cards and passports of six proclaimed offenders, including Moonis Elahi, son of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf President Chaudhry Parvez Elahi, in a money laundering case. Besides Moonis Elahi, the other accused are Farasat Ali Chattha, Imtiaz Ali Shah, Amir Sohail, and Amir Fayyaz. The court also ordered the freezing of properties and bank accounts of Moonis Elahi and Zaigham Abbas. The court froze three properties owned by Moonis Elahi, including 26 kanals of land in Kasur, a plot, and a house located in Gulberg, Lahore. The court adjourned further hearing till September 19 and sought a compliance report. Special Judge (Central) Tanveer Ahmad Sheikh passed the orders while hearing a money laundering case filed by the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA). It is pertinent to mention that the court had already declared six accused, including Moonis Elahi, as proclaimed offenders due to their continuous absence. The FIA had registered a case against Moonis Elahi on charges of money laundering and corruption. The agency had filed a challan against Moonis Elahi and eight others in the court.