Popular actor Nimra Khan advised all young girls to avoid falling for rebounds after a failed relationship, as those can be more harmful than initial heartbreak. In a recent outing on a private channel’s talk show, actor Nimra Khan, who has had her fair share of heartbreaks, advised the girls to be careful of the rebound relationship, freshly after suffering heartbreak, as what initially seems like a comforting shoulder to cry on, can possibly lead to more pain. “When you are given a shoulder to cry on, you start feeling comfortable and find solace in it, and everything feels good and life is peaceful but actually, they are worse than the ones who left you and broke you in the first place,” said the ‘Bhool’ actor. Speaking from her personal experience, she warned girls to avoid relying on those shoulders, and that it can always misfire. “This is why I always say that girls need to understand this, if a man is offering help and comfort after a heartbreak, does not always mean that he is a good guy.” Notably, Khan got married to London-based police officer Raja Azam, in 2020. Rumours regarding their separation began circulating on the internet the following year, while, their divorce was also confirmed by her former husband later.