Popular actors Srha Asghar and Mansha Pasha’s hilarious reel is going viral on social media platforms. Taking to their respective Instagram handles with a joint post on Sunday, actors Mansha Pasha and Srha Asghar entertained their millions of followers with a new reel, probably from the sets of their upcoming project together. “Actors in the makeup room vs. Actors on the set,” wrote the ‘Amanat’ actor in the caption of the transition reel, which sees the fellow actors pushing and tugging each other before they transition into best friends’ duo, posing together for the camera, flaunting their exquisite dresses. The now-viral video has more than 800K views on their respective accounts, while a number of their fans on Gram also showered their love on the celebrities with likes and comments. Reacting to the post, actor Uroosa Siddiqui commented, “Cutoooos,” while another social user requested Asghar and Pasha to do an arm wrestling competition, hinting that the latter would win. On the work front, Mansha Pasha has impressed the audience with her performances in ‘Surkh Chandni,’ ‘Khudgarz’ and ‘Aangan.’ On the other hand, Srha Asghar has hit projects like ‘Aik Sitam Aur,’ ‘Amanat,’ ‘Rishtay Biktay Hain,’ ‘Babban Khala Ki Betiyan,’ ‘Zindaan’ and ‘Waada’ to her credit.