A video showing Pakistani actor and game show host Fahad Mustafa getting into a physical fight with a group of boys during the filming of his drama ‘Kabhi Mein Kabhi Tum’ has gone viral on social media. Nevertheless, it is not an actual altercation, but instead a moment in the play that highlights Mustafa’s exceptional acting abilities. The drama, featuring Hania Aamir, has become extremely popular in both Pakistan and India, with fans eagerly anticipating every new episode. The plot revolves around Fahad Mustafa’s character marrying Hania Aamir, Sharjeena and the unexpected events that occur next. Mustafa is shown in a popular video, sitting on chairs outside a hotel, with his bags on a table in front of him. Next, he seems to become frustrated, grabs his bag, and approaches the boys sitting behind him, resulting in a physical altercation. Nevertheless, it is later uncovered that this is in fact a segment from the play, rather than a genuine occurrence. Mustafa received acclaim for his acting abilities in portraying the scene authentically, leading viewers to mistake it for a real fight. Fans of Kabhi Mein Kabhi Tum, a drama currently enjoying immense popularity in both Pakistan and India, were initially shocked by the footage, with many believing that the actor had genuinely lost his temper. However, it has since been clarified that the scene was part of the drama’s storyline. Fahad Mustafa’s convincing performance had many viewers mistaking the staged altercation for a real incident.