Chief Minister (CM) Punjab, Maryam Nawaz Sharif will meet position holder students on Tuesday in Lahore. According to a Rawalpindi board spokesperson, the students who secured prominent positions in annual matriculation examinations of Rawalpindi Board here on Monday left for Lahore. Before leaving for Lahore, male and female students were presented guard of honour by a smartly turned-out contingent of Rawalpindi Police. Along with the students, the Chairman, Rawalpindi Board Muhammad Adnan Khan, Secretary Board Muhammad Asif Hussain, the parents and teachers were also present. The students were invited to Lahore on the special invitation of Chief Minister Punjab, Maryam Nawaz Sharif. The spokesman said that there would be a special ceremony at the Chief Minister Office, 90 Lahore Road, on Tuesday in which Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif would address the students. There would also be various programs to encourage the students, he added. According to Rawalpindi Board spokesperson, the special guests of all the programs would be the position holders, male and female students.