Irked by rift rumours and differences between party leadership, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan has summoned Atif Khan and Junaid Akbar for a meeting at Adiala jail. Adviser to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister on Information Barrister Muhammad Ali Saif, while speaking to speaking to Geo News on Sunday, confirmed the development and noted that the incarcerated PTI founder has expressed concerned over the “impression” of grouping in the party. Saif’s confirmation comes as the former ruling party has been facing internal turmoil after Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Minister for Communication and Works Shakeel Ahmad Khan resigned over alleged corruption and bad governance by the CM Ali Amin Gandapur-led government in the province. The resignation came after Shakeel, during his meeting with Khan in Adiala jail complained about embezzlement in various departments of KP following which the ex-prime minister warned members of his party’s government in KP that they would be held accountable for corruption and governance issues in their departments. The party then constituted a three-member committee to monitor corruption and governance in KP. Sources privy to the matter said that Shakeel alleged that he was unable to perform his duties properly due to the corruption and bad governance in the province and alleged that CM Gandapur’s interference in his department was affecting his performance. In response, the KP chief minister revealed that he had signed a summary seeking Shakeel’s de-notification on the committee’s recommendation. The issue has caused a rift among party leadership with Atif Khan and Junaid Akbar putting their weight behind Shakeel which apparently didn’t sit well with the KP government which has denotified the latter as CM Gandapur’s focal person, The News reported on Sunday. Elaborating on the issue, Barrister Saif said that the PTI founder had directed Akbar’s name to be included in the accountability committee and who was removed from the body at a later stage. Sources say that both the PTI leaders are expected to meet Khan next week after the KP government had complained of the duo.