A-list actor Mawra Hocane has finalized the venue for her wedding, hinting that she might be tying the knot in Australia. Via her recent Instagram story, Mawra Hocane, 31, confirmed that she has found her ideal wedding venue but is yet to find a groom for herself. The ‘Jawani Phir Nahi Aani’ actor, who recently enjoyed an Australian getaway with her brother and his wife, reposted a story from a friend on her official handle, which happens to be the click of the famous laneway of ‘The Grounds of Alexandria’ – one of the most popular venues in Sydney. “I do I do I do! Wedding venue finalized,” Hocane wrote in the post and joked, “We’re all set.. Only need to find the groom now.” It is worth noting here that the actor clarified in March this year she will not get married this year at least. In the caption of an Instagram post, she noted, “NOOOO it’s not my wedding…not now, not next week, not next month, not this year.” Among the most-loved and celebrated female actors of the country, Hocane has earned acclaim for her stellar performances not only in Pakistani films and dramas including ‘Jawani Phir Nahi Aani 2’, ‘Main Gunehgar Nahi’, ‘Mere Harjai’ and ‘Main Bushra’ but also in the Bollywood movie ‘Sanam Teri Kasam’.