Sindh Minister for Education Syed Sardar Ali Shah on Friday said that the monitoring system to ensure teacher attendance in schools was being made more effective in Sindh. He warned that strict action will be taken against absent teachers. He said this while speaking to media representatives after leading a rally in Malir district. The rally was organized by the Sindh Education Department in connection with the admission drive. Secretary Education Sindh Zahid Ali Abbasi, social activist Shahzad Roy, elected representative of Malir, MPAs Sajid Jokhio, Raja Razzak, Yusuf Murtaza Baloch, Special Assistant to Chief Minister Saleem Baloch, and other local leaders of the People’s Party participated in the event. Representatives from UNICEF, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and other international organizations also attended. During the awareness rally, participants carried banners and placards highlighting the importance of education. They chanted slogans like “Parhy ga Sindh, Barhy ga Sindh” and others. The Minister Sindh Syed Sardar Ali Shah led the rally alongside students and participants. Syed Sardar Ali Shah said that the Sindh Education Department has started the admission drive today, as part of its efforts to boost education accessibility and enrollment rates in the province. He emphasized that education is a fundamental right according to the constitution. He added that it is the state’s responsibility to educate children between 5 and 16 years old, and parents share this responsibility with the state. This year, the government aims to increase new enrollment in government schools by 8 to 9 lakh. Currently, 5.2 million children are studying. The minister said that no school in Sindh is closed due to a lack of teachers now. Efforts are being made to recruit more teachers. He warned that absent teachers who fail to teach will not be tolerated. The minister announced plans to start planting trees in schools, making headmasters responsible for this initiative. Regarding textbooks, he acknowledged challenges but confirmed that books have been delivered to 138 Talukas. He committed to personally monitoring book distribution and visiting schools, book market and shops too. To address heat and electricity issues in schools, the government is working on a solarization project. Later, Provincial Minister Syed Sardar Ali Shah launched the school plantation campaign by planting saplings at school premises.