Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur on Wednesday announced Rs5 million for Olympian gold medalist Arshad Nadeem. Addressing an event, he said that the government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is promoting the sports activities in the province. “There is a need to bring our youth closer to sports instead of drugs,” said the chief minister. The chief minister added that he will give prize money to the star athlete from his own pocket as he is the pride of Pakistan. “We’ll invite Arshad Nadeem to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to impart the training of javelin throw to our youth,” the CM said. He said that PTI founder Imran Khan is standing firmly just due to his training of sports. Earlier, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif had announced a reward of Rs150 million for the Olympian gold medalist. Last week, Pakistan’s Arshad Nadeem shattered the Olympics record with a humongous 92.97m throw in Javelin final to win the Gold medal at the Paris Olympics 2024 on Thursday. He became the first individual Olympics gold medallist from Pakistan. Arshad Nadeem broke the previous Olympics record of 90.57 – set in 2008 Beijing Olympics by Norway’s Andreas Thorkildsen.