DIG Karachi-South Asad Raza on Tuesday took notice of actress Nimra Khan’s viral video in which she claimed to thwart her kidnapping attempt. DIG Raza directed SSP South to furnish a report of the incident that allegedly saw the actress foiling her kidnapping attempt by resisting her assailants. A day earlier, Nimra Khan took to her Instagram account to reveal that three armed men attempted to kidnap her when she was waiting for her car outside a hotel in Karachi’s Defence area. Recalling the terrifying incident, the actress said that the armed men attempted to drag her into their vehicle at gunpoint forcefully. However, Nimra Khan resisted the attackers while nearby onlookers did not come to her aid. In the viral video, the actress said that the armed men could have shot her during the pursuit, but she managed to stop a passing car. Consequently, she managed to survive the kidnapping bid with the help of the family inside the car along with the hotel staff. “If women aren’t safe in Pakistan, should we really be celebrating Pakistan Day? Can anyone confidently say that their sister, wife, daughter, or mother is safe in Pakistan? The answer, sadly, is no,” Nimra Khan said in the viral video. Meanwhile, police officials said that the victim has not approached the police regarding the alleged kidnapping bid. According to officials, police will file a report and begin investigations once the actress approach the police regarding incident.