The critically acclaimed play, “The White Plague,” is back by popular demand, offering audiences a powerful and timely exploration of war, disease and the complexities of human nature. Adapted from the renowned Czech playwright Karel Capek’s work and directed by the Meher Jaffri, “The White Plague” is a savage satire that holds a mirror to our world. It holds a special place in Pakistani theatre history as the last commissioned play of the legendary Zia Mohyeddin. This production pays tribute to his legacy by featuring some of the most acclaimed talents from the National Academy of Performing Arts (NAPA). The play takes place as a superpower prepares for a devastating war, while a deadly pandemic known as the White Plague sweeps across the globe. In this desperate scenario, a young doctor discovers a cure for the disease. However, there’s a catch: he will only share it with the world under a specific and enigmatic condition. Karachi audiences can experience this thought-provoking production from August 21st to 25th at the Art’s Council with all shows starting at 8 PM. For Lahore audiences, the play runs from September 4th to 8th at the Al-Hamra Arts Council with shows starting at 8pm each evening. Don’t miss this opportunity to see a powerful and relevant play that will stay with you long after the curtain falls.