A Seattle-based media outlet and production house on Saturday released an electronic pop track, “Taara/Diamonds,” featuring top Pakistani showbiz celebrity Fawad Khan alongside other influencers from the media industry. MTG, the Seattle-based company, also mixed the melodious voices of Bilal Ali, the lead singer of the Pakistani band “Kashmir,” and Maria Unera, a Pakistani-Filipino singer and songwriter. MTG’s founder, Maheen Mustafa, announced the release of the song and its video earlier this month, saying it would be available on all streaming platforms. “The incredible icons featured in the new MTG music video are formidable talents,” Khan, the Pakistani entertainment industry icon, was quoted as saying in an MTG press release before the song premiered. “Their achievements inspire and uplift people around the world, including myself.” Unera said she was thrilled to share the video with the world on every platform once it was released. “The initiative really stood out for me and made me more keen to work with everyone involved in this project,” she said. “Can’t wait for everyone to check out what we worked on.”