Actors Salman Khan and Farhan Akhtar unite to produce the docuseries ‘Angry Young Men’, based on the legacy of their fathers, Bollywood’s iconic screenwriting duo Salim-Javed. A new docuseries ‘Angry Young Men: The Salim-Javed Story’, is all set to premiere on the OTT platform Amazon Prime Video next week, announced the streamer on Saturday. The title explores the formidable creative partnership and legacy of veteran screenwriters duo, Salim Khan and Javed Akhtar. According to the details, the three-part series is jointly produced by Salman Khan Films, Excel Entertainment of Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani and Zoya Akhtar and Reema Kagti’s Tiger Baby Films, whereas, Namrata Rao, is the director on the project. Angry Young Men, which refers to the cinematic representation of heroes in their mass-favourite films, including ‘Zanjeer’, ‘Sholay’ and ‘Deewar’, and even led to Amitabh Bachchan’s stardom as the angry young man of the Indian cinema, looks into the journey of the legendary duo, credited for the revolution in the Bollywood, with the numerous of iconic characters they created and the dialogues they penned, before parting ways in 1982. Speaking of the special project, the ‘Tiger 3’ star said, “Angry Young Men is a tribute to their creative brilliance and the profound impact they’ve had on Indian cinema. It’s an insightful journey into the hearts and minds of two superstar writers who changed the landscape of storytelling forever. Their love for cinema redefined heroism for an entire generation, leaving behind a legacy of cult classics.” Filmmaker Zoya Akhtar added, “The story of Salim Javed’s dynamic journey starting out from small towns to exploding onto the silver screen and how they put their hardships, their heartbreaks and their swag into their cinema.” Her brother Farhan agreed saying, “They succeeded and in doing so, left an impression that still lives on generations after.” ‘Angry Young Men’ is set to premiere on Amazon Prime Video on August 20.