After a lot of criticism and drawing the audience’s ire, actor-filmmaker Farhan Akhtar has finally revealed the reason for casting Ranveer Singh instead of Shah Rukh Khan in ‘Don 3’. In one of his recent podcast interviews, Farhan Akhtar, who helmed the direction of both films, with Shah Rukh Khan in and as ‘Don’, and is set to return to the director’s chair for the upcoming ‘Don 3’, with Ranveer Singh in the lead, revealed the reason for replacing megastar with the latter in the third film of the series. “The kind of script that we were writing, what I wanted to do with it It’s too early to speak about it unfortunately so I can’t into into details but it needed this next-generation actor in it,” Akhtar hinted. “He is mischievous, just full of energy, which is what this needs and he is… I feel when it comes to this aspect of his performance, it’s still untapped. Like I don’t think he has done a role like this,” he added about his ‘Dil Dhadakne Do’ co-star. “His characters, because of who he is, they have been written for him, for that reason, are very external. They are loud characters. They are big characters where he has the histrionics and everything. Don requires a very different kind of performance from him. There is a certain holding everything inside that is needed for this character which I don’t think he has done so I feel, for him also, it is a nice challenge to be able to do this.” He furthered, “You will see him in a different way with action, dialogue baazi but the personality is going to be different from what he has played which I find interesting with him.” Notably, Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani’s production banner Excel Entertainment, got the rights to remake the Amitabh Bachchan starrer 1978 title ‘Don’ and rebooted the franchise in 2006 with the first film titled ‘Don: The Chase Begins Again’ starring SRK in the titular role. He reprised his role in the sequel ‘Don: The King is Back.’ Meanwhile, ‘Don 3’ is scheduled for a Christmas 2025 release and will go on floors in January next year.