Popular actor Shahroz Sabzwari penned the most heartwarming birthday wish for his younger daughter Zahra, as the star kid turned 2. Taking to his Instagram handle on Friday morning, Shahroz Sabzwari treated his followers with an adorable new video of his second-born daughter, Syeda Zahra Shahroz, to wish her 2nd birthday. In the caption of the reel, with the song ‘Little Hands’ in the background, the ‘Hook’ star wrote, “Happy Birthday Mama and Baba’s life. May you have many many many more INSHA ALLAH.” “We love you a lot,” the doting parents added in the joint post, with a heart emoji. The now-viral video post received a huge response from his millions of Insta followers, including the showbiz fraternity, in the form of likes and heartwarming birthday wishes for the celebrity kid. It is pertinent to mention that celebrity couple, Shahroz Sabzwari and Sadaf Kanwal welcomed their first child, Syeda Zahra in August 2022. The baby girl is first for Kanwal, and second for Sabzwari, who is also father to Nooreh, with his ex-wife, actor Syra Yousuf. Sadaf Kanwal and Shahroz Sabzwari tied the knot in May 2020, in an intimate nikah ceremony, following the latter’s separation from his ex-wife.