Speculation around the relationship between actor Sheheryar Munawar and actress Maheen Siddiqui has gained momentum after the two shared photos from a recent birthday celebration on Instagram. Sheheryar, known for keeping his personal life private, posted a heartfelt birthday wish for Maheen, affectionately calling her “Jaan” in his Instagram story. The pair also shared pictures from the late-night celebration with other showbiz personalities, further fueling the rumors. The social media posts quickly went viral, with fans and followers making various assumptions about their relationship. Some users commented on the evident chemistry between the two, while others questioned the timing, suggesting past rumored relationships involving Sheheryar with other celebrities, such as Maya Ali. A few even speculated on Maheen’s previous engagement rumors with singer Azaan Sami Khan. In a previous interview, Sheheryar hinted at a significant relationship in his life, stating that it had the approval of both families and that he was ready to start a new chapter. This recent public interaction on Instagram has only added to the belief that the two are more than just friends, with many fans eagerly anticipating an official announcement. While neither Sheheryar nor Maheen has confirmed the rumors, their recent posts have certainly captured the attention of fans and media alike, turning speculation into growing certainty that the duo might soon be taking their relationship to the next level.