The Pakistani actress Saboor Aly recently made the surprising confession that, before getting married, she considered her present husband, Ali Ansari, as a brother and even looked for someone else for him. In a previous interview that has come to light and gained widespread attention, Saboor clarified that, in line with Pakistani custom, Ali was naturally seen as a brother by Mariam Ansari, Ali’s sister, who happens to be one of her best friends. The actress further disclosed that before getting married to Ali, she had given Mariam recommendations for a few possible marriages and had suggested a few girls to Ali for marriage. Whenever she brought up these matches, Mariam would teasingly ask, “Why don’t you marry Ali yourself?” Saboor would respond, “I consider Ali a brother; how could I marry him?” Additionally, the actress revealed that she and Ali had a close friendship and frequently talked about their work and other issues. However, she never thought their friendship would eventually blossom into a lovely marriage.