A-list actor Ushna Shah is done ‘apologising’ to people over the clothing choices she makes for herself as she officially entered her ‘I’m over it’ era. Often the target of keyboard warriors, who criticise the actors for their outfits abroad, Ushna Shah turned to her official X handle with a message for the digital moral police. In her long post on the micro-blogging site, the ‘Habs’star wrote, “A girl from a liberal background, who grew up in Canada & wore shorts etc with her friends is now married to a white man who is from a similar background & doesn’t care if she shows her legs when they’re abroad..” “And her Pakistani audience loses their minds,” she added. Slamming the moral brigade, Shah furthered, “The biggest mistake I ever made was apologising for wearing a red choli on my wedding & dancing, to the same people who will drool over the Nargis Fakhris of the world but will annihilate us for having a liberal upbringing that differs from theirs.” Concluding her post, Shah maintained that she is in her ‘over it’ era and hence will not bother wasting her time on the hypocrisy of people, rather saving the energy to live a happy life. Notably, Ushna Shah tied the knot with Austrian golfer Hamza Amin in February last year, amid close family and friends. Meanwhile, she will return to the TV screens with Qasim Ali Mureed’s next serial titled ‘Yeh Ishq’, co-starring Sheheryar Munawar Siddiqui.