Shakira returned to the recording studio on Wednesday, just five months after releasing her first album in seven years. The 47-year-old pop star shared two snaps of herself while working with music producer AC aka Alexander Castillo. In the picture, the Waka Waka hit maker was in the recording studio with AC while they showed off their backs. In regards to the dressing, Shakira donned a white top with blue jeans shorts while AC sported all black outfit with a Nike cap. Moreover, the songstress wrote in caption, “In the studio with one of my fav people in the biz AC!” According to Daily Mail, Shakira met Castillo back in 2017, the same year in which he scored a Latin Grammy Award nomination for Record Of The Year for producing Ricky Martin’s song Vente Pa’ca. As per the publication, the three-time Grammy winner was at a recording studio in London with Alex, Dave, Clauss and Ruffsound aka Marc Vincent. Additionally, last year while in 2021, Castillo had “an amazing week” working with Shakira and Vincent at a recording studio in Barcelona, however, it’s still unclear if any actual songs came out of their labor. Furthermore, as per TMZ, the Colombian singer was also spotted dining with a mystery man at the waterfront seafood restaurant Lido Bayside inside The Standard Spa in Miami Beach on Tuesday night.