Bollywood actor Ayushmann Khurrana is reportedly no longer part of filmmaker Meghna Gulzar’s next project with Kareena Kapoor Khan. As reported by Indian entertainment outlets, director Meghna Gulzar, known for her critically acclaimed films, including ‘Raazi’, ‘Chhapaak’ and ‘Sam Bahadur’, roped in Ayushmann Khurrana and Kareena Kapoor Khan, to share the screen for the first time in her next film ‘Daayra’, based on Hyderabad rape suspects encounter case of 2019. However, recent developments suggest that the ‘Dream Girl’ actor has walked out of the film due to his packed schedule in the second half of 2024 when the film is expected to go on the floors. Notably, Khurrana has his US music tour lined up around the same time. “The dates are currently being negotiated for all the projects, but Meghna’s movie is not on his list. The production team has been informed, and Gulzar is said to be scouting for a suitable replacement,” confirmed a source close to the actor. Notably, apart from the tour and ‘Border 2’, Khurrana also has two other projects in the kitty, including a spy comedy, directed by Aakash Kaushik, which will be co-produced by Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions and Guneet Monga’s Sikhya Entertainment. Additionally, he has Dinesh Vijan’s horror-comedy with South starlet Rashmika Mandanna, directed by ‘Munjya’director Aditya Sarpotdar. On the other hand, Kapoor will be next seen reprising his character in Rohit Shetty’s ‘Singham Again’.