Under the directives of Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif, the Punjab government has reached a historic agreement with the World Bank. The World Bank has expressed its support for a public-private partnership with the Punjab government, aimed at poverty reduction, economic and social development, environmental improvement, and smog eradication. This agreement was discussed in a meeting chaired by Senior Provincial Minister Maryam Aurangzeb and attended by ministers from the education, health, industry, agriculture, local government, and irrigation departments. During the meeting, terms were finalized in discussions with a high-level World Bank delegation led by Country Director Najy Benhassine. The delegation explored areas of cooperation and reviewed various possibilities. Maryam Aurangzeb remarked that the ‘Country Framework’ is the World Bank’s international program that collaborates with partner countries or provincial governments to achieve rapid development in various sectors, including agriculture, health, and education. The objective of participating in this special program for 2024-2027 is to accelerate overall development, covering sectors like agriculture, health, education, IT, youth employment, and skills development. Efforts will be made to provide world-class healthcare facilities, address malnutrition in mothers and children, improve health standards, promote family planning education, and collaborate in other sectors in Punjab, she noted. Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has launched the largest and most comprehensive program to date to improve Punjab’s health system. This initiative includes upgrading 300 health centers and 250 basic health units in rural areas to international standards, the minister added. She emphasized that the provision of doctors, medicines, medical staff, and equipment at every government health facility, whether in villages or cities, will be ensured. The program to provide global-standard IT training and skill development for millions of youths is progressing rapidly. The chief minister’s primary goal is to ensure significant and visible improvements in governance and various sectors for equal development in rural and urban areas, Maryam Aurangzeb said, adding that by providing laptops to the youth, the IT revolution is transforming their lives and opening doors to education and employment. Similarly, the Kisan Card has liberated agriculture and farmers from middlemen’s exploitation, and the program to transition agricultural tube-wells to solar power is being implemented, she added. The senior minister mentioned that the chief minister is diligently implementing a comprehensive plan to make Punjab’s population healthier, educate the youth, and improve the province’s economic condition and environment over the next five years. Najy Benhassine remarked that the Chief Minister’s Green Credit Program is part of this initiative. The World Bank delegation praised Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif’s comprehensive vision for economic, social, and environmental development and assured full cooperation. They expressed a desire for strong, lasting, and comprehensive collaboration with Pakistan. Collaborative efforts to solve common issues are the right strategy. The meeting at the P&D Complex also included secretaries and senior officials.