Ayeza Khan’s recent look featuring a completely different side of herself has surprised the social media users. The actress displayed her admiration for Lady Gaga by paying homage to the iconic pop star’s signature style. Taking to her Instagram, Ayeza shared pictures in an ensemble that drew inspiration from Gaga’s distinctive fashion choices. This transformation from her usual self, sparked a wave of excitement among her fans. As expected, the internet has been abuzz with reactions to Ayeza Khan’s transformation. Many praised her for her fearless approach to fashion and applauded her for stepping out of her comfort zone. They appreciated her ability to reinvent herself and embrace new styles, showcasing her versatility as an artist. One fan wrote: “Didn’t recognise that it was you! I love the way you keep experimenting with new looks.” Another said: “Dope, dope. For real.” One commented: “This look is fire!” On the other hand, some were taken aback by this unexpected change. They expressed their surprise and shock at seeing Ayeza Khan in such a different light, as they are accustomed to her more familiar persona. One user said: “You are my favourite but you look so weird here.” Another questioned: “What’s wrong with her shoulders? Does she plan to fly?” One stated: “No plz No!!!! Do Not start this nonsense trend! We are Pakistani and these kind of outfits look hilarious/hideous! Not part of our culture.” Another commented: “Flying dengue.” One remarked: “For the first time, I didn’t like her makeup, dress up and all.”