A-list actor Mawra Hocane penned the sweetest-ever birthday wish for her fellow artist and best friend, Ameer Gilani. Being a true friend, Mawra Hocane turned to her Instagram handle on Thursday, with a bunch of adorable and seemingly embarrassing pictures of Ameer Gilani, to wish him on his 28th birthday. “Happy happy birthday to this sunshine boy,” she wrote in the caption of the eight-picture gallery. The ‘Jawani Phir Nahi Ani 2’ actor added, “Thankyou for being you tbh life is quite awesome with you cracking jokes 24/7 & us laughing our lungs out.. Stay at it YOUUUUU to many more InshaAllah !!!!” Thousands of her followers liked the post and extended their warm birthday wishes to Gilani. Reacting to the post, the birthday boy commented, “Thank you @mawrellous for the best wish!” “Also thank you for dealing with all my personalities as you can see a different me in each picture hahah,” to which, Hocane replied, “Oh we see a different one every few weeks.” Notably, both the actors who studied law, have been class fellows and had known each other before entering showbiz. The two also shared the screen multiple times and wowed the audience with their impeccable chemistry.