Actor Sohai Ali Abro, famous for her stunning looks and exceptional talent in television and film, first gained fame through the hit drama Pyare Afzal. Sohai Ali Abro celebrated her birthday in style at the home of Humayun Saeed and Samina and Sana Shahnawaz, surrounded by their numerous awards. She cut her birthday cake with the producer and her co-actor from Gentleman, with the joyful moment shared by Sana Shahnawaz on Instagram. She was also a key part of the blockbuster film Jawani Phir Nahi Aani and has starred in numerous other popular projects, including Surkh Chandni, Saat Pardon Main, Tanhai, and Motorcycle Girl, for which she won the Best Film Actress award. After a brief hiatus due to her marriage and the birth of her daughter, Sohai recently returned to the spotlight with the drama serial Gentleman.