Pakistani actor and host Anoushey Ashraf, who announced to have tied the knot on Sunday, has finally introduced her fans to her ‘Dulha’ aka ‘Mr Anoushey’. Pakistan’s prominent TV personality Anoushey Ashraf turned to her Instagram handle in the late hours of the past weekend with a bunch of pictures, breaking the great news of her marriage, without sharing many details about her husband. In the intimate ceremony pictures, shared by Ashraf on social media, she made for a stunning bride in a white chikankari saree, by local designer Sanam Agha, along with minimal makeup by ace artist Nabila. Hours later, she finally shared the very first glimpse of her now-husband Shahab, with her excited fans. Reposting a friend’s congratulatory story on the social platform, which sees the couple together, she introduced, “Guys! This is the dulha! Will put pics soon!” “Shahab Reza Mirza Aka Mr Anoushey,” Ashraf added about her husband. “He funny! He so handsome! Congrats dearest husband.” Thousands of social users including the media fraternity were over the moon seeing their favourite celebrity starting this new chapter in her life and sent their well wishes to the couple on their marriage. More details regarding the family background and profession of the celebrity husband are yet to be known.