Due to her prolonged absence from the spotlight, there have been rumours on social media that Bollywood star Katrina Kaif is expecting a child. A lot of people have been speculating about the actress’s pregnancy during this time. After seeing her in pictures and videos wearing loose clothing, there has been a lot of buzz on social media that she may be expecting her first child with her husband Vicky Kaushal. Indian media journalists took pictures of some of these, while others were secretly taken from a distance. As soon as a video of the couple walking around London became online, the rumours started to pick up steam. Supporters and media sources conjectured that Kaif might be hiding a baby bump and keeping the news under wraps with her large coat. Similar rumours have been levelled against Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal, who got married in December 2021. Even though these rumours seem to come up again, the couple has never responded. Raindrop Media, Katrina’s public relations company, has formally addressed these reports, calling them baseless and requesting that media outlets stop publishing unconfirmed information. For the time being, Katrina Kaif is still solely focused on her business. She keeps up her interactions with fans and the media and handles the remaining rumours with grace and professionalism.