The heat smitten Lahoris breathed a sigh of relief as the skies poured down in abundance Thursday noon which brought much-desired respite from the loo which had made life miserable over the past few weeks. The traditional summer hot and dry winds (loo) ruled the roost for the past several days and it made life difficult for the humans, birds and animals alike. The scorching heat was a source of concern for the authorities as well as it caused water-related diseases among children and the elderly. The heat-stroke was a major threat. The rain was instrumental in culling the heat and bringing the city life to normal while the thick, dark clouds blanketed the horizon to further save humans and animals from the ultra violet (UV) rays of the sun which had been lashing the earth unhindered. A maximum of 33 mm rain was recorded around the airport, while in the Gulberg Town 15 mm, the Upper Mall area 14 mm, Nishter Town 11 mm, Johar Town 7 mm, Jail Road 5 mm, and the other areas of the city also received mild to low rain. It rained cats and dogs in many parts of the provincial metropolis which brought the mercury down to 33 degrees Celsius although the sun had been emitting fire for the past few weeks and the temperature stayed at 45 degrees and above. The experts believe that emissions of the fossil fuels in the burgeoning metropolis with humongous population like Lahore and the lower number of green cover have contributed to the higher temperatures and fewer rains. With more rain the forecast in coming week, it is hoped that rains will restore balance and make life livable in the provincial metropolis.