Popular actor Yashma Gill cannot have enough of her showbiz best friend and ‘sister’ Hania Aamir, as she gushed over the A-list actor. During a recent tell-all with former supermodel and now entrepreneur Frieha Altaf, on her podcast ‘FWhy’, Yashma Gill heaped praises on the fellow actor and her off-screen best friend Hania Aamir and shared how she has always been there for her when no one else. “She’s my sister,” Gill said when asked if the ‘Mujhe Pyaar Hua Tha’ actor is her current ‘bestie’. She continued, “She’s funny, but she’s also very sensitive. I don’t know if people a funny and bold side of her on social media. She is somebody, who always tells others how to be happy, but she herself is a very sensitive person. She’s a little too human.” “Even though she’s younger than me, she’s much more sensible and actually, she is my therapist,” remarked the ‘Tere Ishq Ke Naam’ actor. Recalling the recent incident, where Aamir spent the whole night with Gill, taking care of her, as she underwent surgery, the latter furthered, “She was the only one in fact who stayed with me the whole night. I’ve said this many times about Hania that for once she might skip the random plans and hangouts, but when she knows that you are in an actual problem, she’ll be by your side.” “I remember I didn’t even tell her about all this, because I was not in the state to inform anybody and was rushed to the hospital. But my house helper informed Hania. She came and stayed the whole night in the hospital room with me, even though she had a shoot the next morning,” Gill detailed. “Nobody does that.”