Indian TV actors Nia Sharma, Reem Shaikh and Jannat Zubair mocked Bollywood starlet Sharmin Segal, with mimicry of her ‘Heeramandi’ dialogue. Amid all the backlash that Sharmin Segal aka Alamzeb of ‘Heeramandi’ has been receiving for her performance in the series, Indian TV actors Nia Sharma, Jannat Zubair and Reem Sameer Shaikh, have jumped on the bandwagon, mocking the former, with their ‘expressionless’ mimicry of her dialogue. The three divas re-enacted Segal’s famous dialogue ‘Ek baar dekh lijiye, deewana bana dijiye’ from the series, maintaining poker faces with absolutely no expressions. The hilarious reel has more than 25 million views on the social site. Reacting to the now-viral video, a social user commented, “No alamzeb was harmed in this vdo,” while another wrote, “Galat he yaar ..Aap teenon me thoda bahut expression aa raha hai (This is wrong. You people still have some expressions)..” “Sorry no one can beat Sharmin,” one more opined. “Expressions are still pouring out in abundance,” a fourth comment read. Notably, Sharmin Segal, who is the niece of veteran filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali, and played the pivotal role of Alamzeb in his Netflix series, has been brutally trolled time and again, for her bland and expressionless performance in ‘Heeramandi’. Meanwhile, the eight-episodic launching season of ‘Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar’, co-starring Segal with Richa Chadha, Aditi Rao Hydari, Manisha Koirala, Sonakshi Sinha and Sanjeeda Sheikh in main roles, along with Farida Jalal, Fardeen Khan, Shekhar and Adhyayan Suman and Taha Shah, is currently streaming on Netflix.