The Higher Education Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has notified additional charge of the posts of Vice Chancellors (VCs) of three public sector universities to three existing VCs of other universities. The notification said that the Governor on the advice of the Chief Minister has assigned the additional charge of the VCs. According to the notification, the VC University of Science and Technology, Bannu has been given the additional charge of VC of University of Lakki Marwat. VC Kohat University of Science and Technology has been given additional charge of VC Khushal Khan Khattak University, Karak and VC Gomal University DI Khan has been given additional charge of VC University of Agriculture DI Khan with effect from October 6 till the arrival of regular VCs of these universities. The notification restricted the VCs with additional charge from taking any major policy decision involving administrative and financial implications.