With only two days left in the Eid Milad-un-Nabi (Peace Be Upon Him) marking the birthday of the holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), the devouts in the federal capital, like other parts of the country, are gearing up for celebrating this occasion through expressing enthusiasm and religious fervor. As the Eid Milad-un-Nabi is being marked on September 29, people in the city have started illuminating their houses, vehicles and markets with colourful lights, buntings and banners to express their love for Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). A number of stalls carrying decorative items in connection with the celebrations set up in different corners of the city are attracting a number of buyers of all ages. The day will be marked through taking out a Milad processions by the people across the federal capital. A number of schools, colleges and universities have been arranging Milad and Naat and Qirat competition since the advent of the month of Rabi-ul-Awal to highlight the importance of the day and educate the students about the exemplary life of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).