Tobacco growers on Wednesday held a protest against the multi-national cigarette manufacturing companies on non-compensation of the tobacco rate procured from the growers. Vice Chairman Itehad Kashtkaran Iqbal Shewa said that despite repeated requests, the multi-national companies are not giving any monetary compensation to the growers on the procurement rate. “When season begun the Tobacco growers provided the crop to the companies on rupee 425 and later it surged to 1400 rupees,” said Iqbal He said growers are on the verge of facing rupees 15 to 20 million losses because of non-compensation by companies. Vice Chairman Itehad Kashtkaran further said the growers alliance multiple meetings with Pakistan Tobacco Company and Phillp Morris, but their cries fell on deaf ears. “It’s inflation across every sector, and growers won’t be able to earn a penny if the companies didn’t compensate us,” he said. Iqbal also alleged that multi-national companies are using delaying tactics instead of solving the issues of growers.