The district administration Lahore imposed a total of Rs 500,000 fine on various factories over release of dangerous chemical substances causing environmental pollution and posing threat to living beings. In an operation, conducted in different areas of the city, Alyas Steel Re-rolling Mill, Tahir Paper Mill and a brick-kiln were sealed for causing smog and environmental pollution. A spokesperson for the department told the media on Saturday that the administration was taking action against the environment laws violators. He said Deputy Commissioner Lahore Rafia Haider took notice of public complaints, constituted teams and directed them to visit industrial areas and identify factories causing environmental pollution. He said that strict action was also initiated against those involved in crops and trash burning to restrict increasing threat of smog. An amount of 15,000 per acre fine would be collected from those who burn crop or trash, he warned. He urged factory-owners to ensure proper disposal of waste of their units; otherwise, they would face stern action as per laws.